excuse me sir, I think I lost my finger...

excuse me sir, I think I lost my finger...

excuse me sir, I think I lost my finger...

excuse me sir, I think I lost my finger...
100 x 100

excuse me sir, I think I lost my finger...

Maison the Faux, Louise te Poele – Excuse me sir, I think I lost my Finger...

NITE - National Interdisciplinary Theater Ensemble (NNT/Club Guy & Roni), 2021

This visual story is about a tragedy that was never written. A premiere that never happened. An audience that was never there. A place that never existed. A character that wasn’t real.

Was this all in our minds? Or was it real after all?

Excuse me sir, I think I lost my Finger... is a surrealistic, epic and disastrous story directed by Louise te Poele and Maison the Faux.

A visual love letter to the beginning and the end of time, a post-apocalyptic future, where the end makes place for something new to happen.

The release of this theatrical residue was on Instagram in a compelling visual story and on the online platform NITE Hotel.